Outsourced Development 2018-07-31T06:18:38+00:00

Outsourced Development


Many organizations are outsourcing software development projects to reduce their costs. Sounds like a good idea, but, despite its benefits, outsourcing carries significant risks.

Unicorn has the experience working with our customers on outsourced projects we have proven: Service & Component Based Development improves the effectiveness and lowers the risks of outsourcing software development.The main reason behind this, is that it is easier to outsource the development of separate components instead of whole applications.

As a project, you can start with outsourcing just one little part and expand the scale of outsourcing gradually while your organization learns.The Component Based Development approach of Select Business Solutions separates the concerns for the development of the solution from the development of the underlying services and components. This separation enables you to develop services and components between a project, sub-project or an off-shore development company, without changing the process.

We can benchmark the outsourced vendors’s performance relating to their skills, staffing, local reputation, management capability, and financial wherewithal. We can develop offshore ecosystems of mutually cooperative suppliers for clients and this can include not only service companies but also manufacturing operations and materials suppliers. We can extend this ecosystem to research partners who bring in local intellectual property or the ability to do contract or sponsored research.

In other situations, it makes sense to outsource a particular function, such as unit testing, or finite element analysis, or chip verification, or clinical trials to a product development partners. We help our clients find and develop such vendors. We also help you to extend the vendor’s capabilities.

t often makes sense to outsource sustaining engineering for an existing product. In response to client requests, we’ve also successfully enabled outsourcing original product development; we have found capable partners who had very specific domain experience in technologies that were unfamiliar to our clients.

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